We are facing a worldwide crisis and can do 1 of 2 things: Which one do you choose?
- LIVE in fear & paranoia (FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real); or
- LIVE with educated awareness & thoughtful purpose moving forward to be part of the solution not add to the problem.
In our modern world we have the added stress of needing instant access and answers to everything! The first ones aren’t necessarily the best source. Look at the URL to determine if the information is valid.
Social media is both a blessing when used positively to connect with family and friends, or teach you How to Do something. But, it can also be a curse by negatively using repetitive scare tactics to create mass confusion, fear, panic buying & hoarding.
I prefer to live being aware, preventative and act with a sense of peace.
Don’t get me wrong, I have many, many moments that haven’t been calm, or that have let me feel at peace (especially when my husband is beating me at a game of crib, or when I am trying to get my new puppy to do ‘his business’ outside… (Humor 🙂 )
I have had to really watch my thoughts and stop myself from getting caught up in the immediate terror of today! (I had double pneumonia several years ago so I know I could be one of those at risk.)
It is however, “my intent” to start each day with grateful, positive & peaceful thoughts and then set a positive intention out to surround both myself and loved ones spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically with protective lights, love and laughter.
My son, Ryan, recently set me to the task of determining what I would do if I was told I only had “30 days to live”… I took that task to heart. I have decided to simplify as many personal and business details I can to make it easier for my Executor and family to deal with upon my passing (whenever that may be).
When I shared my list with my son, he was surprised as his list was so different. He felt that my list was a bit morbid and not what he was intending for me to do. I told him, on the contrary, this process has been very liberating! These little details have been nagging me for a long time and now I am proactively dealing with them.
I reminded him of Tony Robbins’ – “Rocking Chair Test”
Simply put… it is the process of seeing yourself as old, sitting on the front porch of your home in a rocking chair and going back over your entire life. You then look at yourself in the mirror and see (really visualize) your face and body as you think of all the things you haven’t done in your life that you wanted to and haven’t, for whatever reason. How does it make you feel? Then snap out of the self induced trance and realize you aren’t on your ‘deathbed’ you are alive, well and very aware and move forward with intention.
I went over this list “If I have 30 Days to Live” in my mind at night and decided to modify a system I had already created and use for my design business (after all I only have 30 days and time is of the essence!)
On my DESKTOP I created a new FOLDER named JEAA PERSONAL C2C and copied my client system folders into it and proceeded to modify the forms to be more PERSONAL (sorry I am a process driven girl who has created lots of forms that are really more to keep my own mind, life and business under control then anything else).
HERE’s my list (may I suggest you make your own):
- On my CONTACTS form I listed the full names, addresses, phone and email addresses of my family, close friends and those people (doctors, accountants, lawyers etc) that need to be told I have passed.
- Going through my CONNECTIONS ie Internet Based & Social Media accounts (FB, Twitter, Instagram, Linked-in, Pinterest, Houzz etc etc.)
I listed all the URLs, Login info and passwords I use to access them so my Executor can close them all. There is nothing worse than seeing a loved one, who has passed, and still see their profile and/or photos coming up like they are still here. - Under my CONTRACTS folder I placed my Legal documents (Gov’t ID, Business Documents, TMs, Copyrights & Licenses) under LEGAL and my Personal and Business Accounting details (Bank Accounts / Taxes etc) under ACCOUNTING. This list is to help my Executor find and deal with those accounts as the time comes (Death & Taxes).
- Under my CONCEPTS folder I put all my (digitally saved) ideas for my business and crafts I have come up with over the years. This is for my children to look back on and realize that their mom was either crazy or brilliant (I prefer brilliantly, crazy as my alter ego is Mermaid Jan – Merma after all!) I also saved this on an external hard-drive (highly important as during this process a hard-drive in my computer with all my photos died – thank goodness I had them backed up on my external hard-drive!)
- I have created a list of all the PRODUCTS I have completed over the years and put the most current ones (digital) in a folder on my Computer and External Hard-drive.
- This form has the current web-links to each of them: (The list looks simple but each item took me years to create – waste of time? Maybe… but they helped me cope.)
- Discovering Your Inner Style – 8 Steps to G.U.R.U.
- Design Dominoes – The Interior Process Game © and
- Contact to Completion – The 8 Step Communication System ©.
- Along with this will be a list of personal items I want my children / family / friends to have to remember me by.
- This form has the current web-links to each of them: (The list looks simple but each item took me years to create – waste of time? Maybe… but they helped me cope.)
- I am also creating a list of those that provided me with exceptional SERVICE over the last several years and create a little Thank You card for each. (I think I need to send these while I am still alive and well and let them know how I feel.)
- When my mother-in-law passed away last year I knew the pain and angst each of the family members were going through (I had been in their shoes before…) I decided the best thing I could do for them is to find the web-links and create a SCHEDULE Step by Step list of the details needed to deal with her funeral, burial & estate (FYI: the government doesn’t make this an easy process but they do demand that all papers are filed correctly.)
- Lastly I will work on my COMPLETION list for my last wishes (a living will; who will look after my pets; funeral; ashes etc).
NOTE: I am also saving all this info on an external hard-drive that I will keep in my Safety Deposit Box (This is highly important as during this process I had the hard-drive on my computer with all my personal info & photos die! Thank goodness I had them backed up!) Give a file of your name, and the location of box number and key to your Executor and a family member and another back up with its location given .
For over 20 years I have been using FB Chat, WhatsAp, Google Chat, Skype and now Zoom to help my clients from the comfort of their home create calm, colourful and inspiring spaces. I believe we really need those “comfort zones” more than ever now!
Moral of my story…
“The 30 days to Live” experience has been an enlightening and empowering process that I will continue. I think of this as the reality of being a Boomer in an ever evolving world of worry & wonder.
Let’s continue to use the power of the internet for good and connect with our family, friends and neighbors to give each other love and hope.
For all those experiencing the worry and stress of this real world crisis I empathize as we too are awaiting the happy news of the safe arrival of family members flying back home.
Let’s all take a moment to pause and send all our brothers and sisters around the world a big hug and collectively say loud and clear “We Too” instead of Me Too… as we are truly in this together so let’s find a way to solve this – together!
Remember The Story of Two Wolves…
An old Cherokee told his grandson,
“My Son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.”
The boy thought about it, and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”
The old man quietly replied, “The one you feed.”
Love, Lights and Laughter,
Just Jan (Merma)
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