Hi fellow Ageless Baby Boomers!
We all know that to stay healthy for as long as possible we need to stay physically and mentally active doing whatever we love to do as long as it helps our body & mind feel younger & more alive!
Hatha Yoga helps me concentrate and relax my ever active mind. I literally can’t do the moves and think about work or anything that is troubling me. I really need to get back to it as I feel incredibly refreshed and energized after a class. I try and do HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) 3 x a week as I have little time and want to see quick weight loss results along with increased strength.
If you have been a ‘high achiever’ most of your life, at retirement you may feel that you no longer have value as you aren’t running around solving a million issues. This is the time to re-evaluate and look at all the things, events and people around you that you didn’t have time for.
No one can tell you what you need to do as this is your own quiet time. If you have been dealing with work, family or friends’ dramas now is the time to determine how it has been affecting your life.
Time is short and every day above ground is precious. If you are still here then you have the time to make choices that will leave lingering memories in the ones you love.
Love, Lights & Laughter – Shine Brighter!
Jan Addams (Pot calling the Kettle 🙂 )
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