HINT: This is a 15-minute DIY instructional video. If you have the curiosity and time, go to the bottom right-hand corner on the Youtube setting and select the 720HD setting to watch a much better quality video.

This is Part 1 of 2 videos. (Part 2 is the Installation of Ripplefold drapery including understanding the Ripplefold Rod components).

Part 1 is how to make Ripplefold drapery and Part 2 is how to install them and the components of the Ripplefold rod.

In this video, Jan Addams (Interior Designer, Artist, and Treasure Hunter) gives tips she learned on how to create and sew blackout ripplefold drapery on a C-Channel decorative rod. Jan cut down existing grommet drapery panels and lined them with blackout lining.

NOTE: this is for DIY decorators wanting to upscale their home using customized drapery.

This website is dedicated to Baby Boomer – Zoomers that want to downsize their maintenance and upscale their lifestyle to create a Holiday at Home environment no matter their age, ability, location or bank account.

It is time to “Glow Older and Shine Brighter” – Jan Addams (Designer, Author, Treasure Hunter)


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