Do you have a Personal Preparedness Plan in Place should the unspeakable happen?
Does your family have all your key information and know what to do, who to call and where to go should you get sick, in an accident or… to help you and/or deal with your estate?
This is a topic no one wants to think about. Having to deal with this issue several times in my life and after (unrealized) prompting by my wonderful son, Ryan when he asked me, what I would do if I had only 30 days to live… I got VERY proactive.
I modified my existing interior design systems (I’m a process girl lol) and recreated 5 Fill-in forms to input and update as needed so my husband and/or children know all my necessary information including all my Key Contacts – Children, Siblings, Doctors, Accountants, Lawyers etc; my Social Accounts and Passwords – FB, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Linked In, my Websites etc; Legal and Accounting and access to all the Products and Systems I have created over the years to complete my estate should they need to.
Presenting – Just in Case – My Personal Preparedness Plan – this is what I did.
Watch the short VIDEO Below and if this is something you would like to have in place in your life – CLICK THIS LINK as I am sharing this info FREE FOREVER using the exact fill-in forms I used to get prepared.
I now rest much easier and my hope is you will too.
Cheers to GLOWING Older & Shining BRIGHTER,
Jan Addams – Fellow Boomer/Zoomer
(Designer, Author, Treasure Hunter)
PS: CLICK THIS LINK to get your FREE “5 PERSONAL Fill in-forms“, 3 teaching videos along with valuable Emergency Information FREE >> HERE <<
NOTE: Once you sign up remember the password given to input on the Just In Case page.
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