I recently got an email from a wonderful lady that I follow and greatly admire – Marie Folio.
It read:

For the past few months, I’ve been working on a BIG project that, honestly, has me diving deep into major bouts of self-doubt. “What am I doing?!? Is this any good at all? Oh gosh… I’m in waay over my head.”

Whenever I’m swirling like this, one of my go-to practices is to dialogue with my Higher Self vs. my doubty-pants self, through journaling. 

I do it first thing when I wake up (actually, ☕ coffee is first first :). 

It’s a stream of consciousness thing. Often ideas come through that I don’t “think” to write. They feel like sweet little messages from another plane. A higher, wiser place. A few came through recently that I believe are meant for you, Jan. 

Here’s part one of two:

Sometimes it can feel really lonely in this world. 

Like no one sees all your hard work. Your commitment to not giving up. All of the gazillion things you do EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. to keep the lights on.

I just wanted you to know that everyone here is rooting for you, Jan.

Really, we are. 

Your effort matters. Your dedication counts. It is all making a difference — even though you may not be able to see it quite yet. 

Do me a favor. Place your hand over your heart, take a deep breath, and ask yourself this question:

====> What’s the ONE message you need to hear from your Higher Self right now?

Important: the voice of our Higher Self is always kind, supportive, and wise. If you hear anything harsh or judgmental, that is NOT your Higher Self.

I don’t usually reply to mass emails but this one really touched me. I wrote her back and told her a little about me. Here is ‘part’ of what I replied:

Hi Marie,
Thanks for this email! A little about me. I’m a perfectionist have been in the Interior Design industry for over 35 years. I love rescuing homes and helping their owners back to “Fengtional” harmony. (I don’t tell them this as I don’t want them to think I am WooWoo – even though I have always been WooWoo!)  When my clients, who usually end up as friends, move back into their renewed space they are amazed at how much better they feel.

Your question about what I need to hear from my higher self with ‘hand over heart’ is… “You’re good enough – put down the brush“. I am GRATEFUL for every experience I’ve had, good and bad, my awesome family, friends and clients.  Plus, next week I get to fly to meet my new grandson!  How blessed am I? 

My early morning ritual:  I get up, let my puppies out, then feed and brush them. I grab a cup of java, sit on my loveseat on our covered deck and watch the sunrise as the city awakens. I count my blessings and ask myself “what can I do to make one person in my life happier today” the rest of the day just seems to fall into place.

Just Jan (Merma)



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